A couple of fellas commented on taking naps during the day. I totally get that! I mean we bust it so hard day in and day out when I get out there I like to go at a pace that my body will appreciate. When I guided in Mex the native guides pretty much always took a mid day nap.

I like to pick and choose my hours and for that matter days of the season that I want to go hard. Used to be I'd go hard all day, as many days of the season as possible. Not anymore, I pick and choose my days cause I can.

And on a longer hunt I have absolutely no issue with taking a day off in the middle of the hunt or a half day. Kind of nice I've come to a place where I can allow myself to do it.

Have a super day all!


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy