Big Blob Beckel once impressed me with a witty comment about Joe Biden � "Joe Biden never had an unspoken thought in his life." That comment, though, seemed somewhat less witty, less impressive, each time later when I heard him say exactly that about several others.

I've learned a ton or two from many good guys here on the 'fire, but Big Blob's pet witty keeps coming back to me as I notice, again and again, how many here still haven't discerned the often crucial distinction between a thought thought and a posted thought.

Many's the time when I've saved myself much deep and undying embarrassment by simply keeping certain thoughts and opinions safely inside the echoing vacuum of the dark, cold cavern between my ears. It's a priceless knack that I'd love to be able to bottle and then to give away by the gross (to the gross � hee hee!).

What's that old saying? Something like It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than it is to speak and demolish all doubt. Amen to that!

(Have had to apologize several times, and to thank others for correcting me, but never for NOT having said something regrettably deplorable.)

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.