Originally Posted by MuskieMan223
Sellers are the people that keep a Classified section on a site running. Without sellers, there would be NO buyers. If you dont have anything positive to contribute to a Classified section, then go to a gun show or flea market and get off the forums. What is wrong with people listing items for sale that others may need? Would you rather them just be thrown in the garbage than sent somewhere that they can be used? You statements dont make any logical sense, classifieds are meant for buying and seller, NOT DISCUSSIONS or DEBATES...honestly

How about contributing to the body of knowledge found throughout this website which to me is the raison d'etre of these forums?
The Classifieds are a nice adjunct to the rest but certainly not the most valuable portion.

The Chosin Few November to December 1950, Korea.
I'm not one of the Chosin Few but no more remarkable group of Americans ever existed.