AWWWW...cummon, John smirk

Would Winchester purposely imply it was the short/fat alternative for sales reasons? whistle

Actually, you hit the nail on the head why I sold my one-hole-wonder 338 and got a 325 WSM to replace it. It doesn't hammer me as much as that 338 ( nicknamed it "the Guillotine"), allowing me to use a much lighter rifle these days.

It won't come up to a 338 by any stretch, but it does hit with authority. Were I young again miraculously, I'd still be lugging a 338 Win mag, not the short fat usurper. grin

Hunt with Class and Classics

Religion: A founder of The Church of Spray and Pray

Acquit v. t. To render a judgment in a murder case in San Francisco... EQUAL, adj. As bad as something else. Ambrose Bierce “The Devil's Dictionary”