Guess you boys don't remember the 60s well enough...

all these hippies like to relive the 60s each year with this event...

I don't know about where you boys were in the 1960s, but the other part of the hippies revolution back then, consisted of WW 2 vets where I was from in Virginia....

and a favorite past time was to get barber sheers or sheep sheers and give these hippies a hair cut....

that usually pissed them off big time...and sure made the local military vets feel pretty darn good...

I've passed thru a few places after they have held their get together.. or when they were still going on... bunch of trash every where......

got gas in Idaho, and come back out after paying for it inside and getting a soda and this chick is sitting in my truck.. and asks me for a ride up the road and asks me do I want to get high..

she got real pissy tho when I threw her out of my truck, flat on her ass and tossed her pack over the roof and into the ditch in front of the rural gas station...

sadly, we have too many of them that reside around here...

just tonight in the Bi Mart parking lot at 8 PM, some hippie chick in her 50s asked me and my son to give her a ride 45 miles over to Jacksonville.. and she 'would make it worth our while'....

I told her to get lost...Geesh! the 60s were over 43 years ago...