
Your deer rifle will be fine.

Did you say Kodiak/Peninsula Brown Bears? Well, maybe something a little larger then.

Placement, bullet, chambering.

Why did you ask if you didn't want to hear the answer?

Stainless/synthetic is better. Stubborn? Johnson's paste wax.

McMillan. Remington 700. Leupold.

Pro Fish-n-Sea and Crackerjack.

CRF/PF... whatever floats your boat.

Don't get too hung up on the bear thing. At the same time, please don't leave your common sense at home.

Alaska Airlines.

They are where you find them.

Always bring a spare.

You can't get there from here. Well... you can, but it won't be easy/cheap.

It will cost more than that, but it will probably be worth it.

Lighter is better.

Al Gore was wrong.

Break bone.

Snowmachine = snowmobile.

Impertech.....or Grundens.

We didn't vote for him/her.

Sorry, please contact Jeff O for all scope mounting and bullet/box related questions.

I'm sorry your state sucks. Mine did too - that's why I moved. Don't be a hater.

Xtra-Tuffs, the American made ones. Or Lacrosse Alphaburleys.

That TV show is not accurate at all.

I'm not opinionated, you're just wrong.

You can get that in Anchorage. It will just cost more.

Father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, grandparent, grandchild, brother- or sister-in-law, son- or daughter-in-law, father- or mother-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepsister, stepbrother, stepson, or stepdaughter.

Sheep, Goat, Brown/Grizzly Bear. You are good on Caribou and Moose. Of course it doesn't make sense.

Bring the one you shoot best.

You don't need a backup scope. Unless your scope is not a Leupold.

It varies by unit. http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=wildliferegulations.main

100% deet. And a headnet.

The same thing that causes the northern lights causes A-bolts to break. Sorry. Some believe it is solar wind, others believe it is John Browning turning over in his grave. We all had an a-bolt at some point - it is really nothing to be ashamed of.

It is (always) a weird weather year.

You can't see the whole state in two weeks, but it will be better than Disneyland. You can't see much at all from a cruise ship.

Don't plan on going 75mph unless you are flying.

Yes, it hurt. Yes, the weather sucked. That's why I did it. If you don't understand, I can't explain it to you.

If you rent a motor home, please stop at all pullouts. That means you.

It isn't a racial slur... it refers to that part of the state north of the Brooks range.

It isn't like that anymore.

You heard right - we were netting fish right out of the river. If you don't find that "sporting", feel free to snag them (in the mouth or the saltwater, whichever is closest).

If I have somehow failed to answer your question (which is HIGHLY unlikely) please feel free to PM KC. He has been to Alaska like 3 times.