Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter

"I know that in Oregon the law states that you must drive in the left lane except when passing"
I'm thinking you meant to type right lane?

Yes, you got me on the typo.

During the hours of 7 AM - 9 AM and 4 PM - 6 PM traffic on I 84 in the Boise area typically is bumper to bumper in both lanes, or all three lanes, or all four lanes, depending on which area of the highway you are on. The situation has been thus for over thirty years.

Attempting to push that traffic flow into fewer lanes would be a disaster. Some areas actually have signs requesting "thru traffic use right lane" to free up the left for entrances and exits.

We also have exit ramps off the left side of the free way. I had assumed that was the norm for the nation. Perhaps I was mistaken.

I was passed on the right yesterday coming home from work. I, and the car in front of me were traveling eighty in a seventy five. Were in the left lane with about two car lengths between us, just passing a semi doing the truck limit of 65.

In Idaho it's not the guy traveling at the speed limit, and with traffic flow in the left that causes accidents. It is the idiots pushing the limits who cause accidents.

Doing 80 in a 75....So is 5 over speeding? Or is it just a little speeding cause it was you? Cant have it both ways.

You at 80, the truck at 65, 15mph difference you should had cleared that truck quickly. I am guessing the guy behind was tired of following both of you and figured no one was gonna get over anyway .

Paying attention to your surroundings in a car is way down on the list of things to be concerned about in todays world.
Phone, food, kids. smokes, makeup are way above driving.

I have followed cars for miles while trying to get around and they never look in the rearview mirror.