Originally Posted by CameraLandTamronPhotAdv
Someone on a different thread was asking a similar question and I recommended they take a look at the Tamron SP 70-300mm f4-5.6 VC USD lens. It is designed for full frame but will work fine on your 60D. It has a great VC(vibration compensation) system and is pretty lightweight. With your camera you could easily bump up the ISO a little to make up the stop or two of light. The great part is at Camera Land they have the lens listed at $449 and there is currently a $100 rebate on the lens through the end of the month. $349 end price on a great lens is in my opinion the best way to go. Here is a link to Camera Land's page on the Tamron SP 70-300mm Di VC USD lens. Give Joel a call up there and let him know you are a member of the Campfire forum.

Thanks for the advice. Any drawbacks to using this lens on my Canon since the lens was designed for a full frame camera?

Last edited by VAhuntr; 09/10/13.

"Never stand and take a charge...charge them too."

--- General Nathan Bedford Forrest, CSA