Another somewhat obscure American made double that can be had relatively cheap is the Iver Johnson Hercules. It was Iver Johnson's attempt to break into a higher grade of gun than what they were known for. Nicely fitted and finished wood with 'modern' dimensions, color case hardened boxlock receiver, a simple mechanism that guaranteed reliability, and pretty good balance. Unfortunately the gun buying public never got past the Iver Johnson name and sales lagged until it was discontinued during the Depression. Nowadays one finds them either "rode pretty hard and put away wet", or in pristine condition. There doesn't seem to be much middle ground. Nice ones can be had for $4-500, and are IMO a great value for the money. The one I have is a delightful shooter, and I find myself sneaking it out of the house often even though I have a bunch of more 'prestigious' shotguns. Don't ignore it if you spy one for sale.

"You can lead a man to logic, but you cannot make him think." Joe Harz
"Always certain, often right." Keith McCafferty