Originally Posted by Ghostinthemachine
Great post Kevin, I agree with most all of it. However I don't believe that Oswald was a lone nut. He was most likely working for someone or he was a full blown patsy. Saying Oswald was 'nuts' and that Ruby was 'nuts' is just too easy.

What do you make of this clip?

If you look at the Warren Report, they so didn't take the easy way out. It remains to this day one of the most complete investigations in all of history. Did they make mistakes? Yep! Are there some weird controversies? Yeah, there are. But if you do a deep dive into the person of Oswald then the "nut" thing REALLY does fit.

As for Ruby, he wasn't so much of a nut as he was a patriot who was offended by someone killing the President. He was well connected and he managed to work his way to within touching distance. Maybe it was planned, or maybe at the last minute he said to himself; "hey, I can fix things nice and neat right here and now. I don't want to see this guy get off on some technicality or some such nonsense. Maybe at the last minute he saw an opportunity and took it."

If you look into the history of Ruby you'll see that he was very much the opportunist. He was well investigated and he had no accomplices.

I sincerely think Oswald was a VERY confused and anxious man seeking some avenue of attention. And I think Ruby was quite sane (if you can see what he did as a sane act), and just took advantage of an opportunity to put his name down in history as the man who killed the man who killed the president of the United States.

So what do I make of the clip? I see an opportunistic man who is trying to make his 15 minutes of fame last a lifetime. I'd say he succeeded.

The problem is, NONE of the conspiracy theories really hold water. They're massive conspiracies, or the small ones are just too far fetched. They don't make sense to a reasonable person in light of the evidence that he was a street hood who saw an opportunity to be a name forever remembered in history.

No way Oswald was a patsy, they'd never pick someone that mentally unstable. There are about a zillion ways someone like that would unravel the whole thing before they got a chance to do the deed. And he wasn't working for someone, because again, he was just too damn crazy. He was a completely unstable and unreliable person. No one would ever in their right mind enter into a conspiracy of that magnitude with a man so mentally unbalanced. If they had, then they were rather unbalanced themselves...so much so, they would have been caught very early on.

Lastly, when I went to executive protection school; a course that was taught by USSS instructors, we studdied assins and assinations in great detail. The lone assassin has a very distinct profile and Oswald fits it perfectly. But here's the kicker. He fit the profile LONG before anyone had determined what the profile was. I find it really hard to believe that someone would be able to find a man who fits the profile even before the profile had been invented. No, Oswald was a lone gunman, and he was seriously mentally unbalanced. Take a deep dive into the personalities of both Oswald and Ruby and I think you'd agree.

Last edited by KevinGibson; 11/15/13.