For quite a while the betting was against a wolf season, but today yes, you can buy wolf tags at Montana Wal-Marts.

Montana lost its grizzly season in the early 1990's when a judge ruled the game department had never done an environmental impact study to back up their contention of sufficient bears. They've been gathering data ever since, including by using the best evidence of bear numbers yet, DNA analysis of hair left at various baited sites.

It will take a while, with the inevitable lawsuits, but the recent federally recommended delisting of the Yellowstone bears will be major step toward a hunting season in the lower 48. I'm guessing one will occur in the next five years or so. The antis will sue and sue, but the USFWS and Montana game department are now very experienced with their tricks, and will be well-prepared.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck