Good read. This part made me laugh:

So here's these two grown men riding deer carcasses down the side of a mountain, only to find that when they got back to camp, the camp cook for the Bozo boys all ready had shot one right off the porch with the old "camp gun"-a well worn 30-40 Krag. That story made the rounds among the camps up there for decades.

One of my parents' neighbors had pretty much quit hunting due to health issues in his late 60s, but bought a license and went to camp (Cameron/Potter county line area) with his bunch every year in buck seasons, mostly to cook, tend to chores and just hang out with his amigos.

Same old haggles about who would get the first buck, bets and lots of guff when they headed out Monday mornings.

One year the neighbor took the breakfast dish water out on the porch to toss it, saw a nice buck coming up through the woods towards camp in the driveway. Went back in, loaded a rifle, cracked the door a bit and dropped it right in the camp dooryard.

Dressed it, hoisted it on the meat pole and relaxed until the first few guys came back in for lunch. Said no one had shown up with a buck by that point and all had a great time the rest of the week giving him the bidness, over "the cook" shooting the first buck.

IIRC, he said the following year they joked about not leaving any firearms/ammo at camp when they headed out to hunt, so he couldn't whup 'em again, sittin' on his ass at camp while they hunted?


If three or more people think you're a dimwit, chances are at least one of them is right.