My father lives in Western Montana, and wants a special gun for wolf protection when he is out hiking. The protection is not for him, but for his bird dog. Wolves have killed a number of dogs in recent years, so the threat is credible.

The performance parameters:
able to dispatch a wolf up to 100 yards
multiple repeat shot capability
very light--4-4.5# would be ideal
more accuracy than a handgun permits.

The only thing I can think of that comes close to meeting these parameters would be built off the AR15 receiver. But this is not my specialty, so I thought I would get some advice. This gun is for carrying, not for high volume shooting, so a polymer lower is certainly a possibility. He has suppressed weapons, so getting a tax stamp is not out of the question. He does not have a .22 can.

What would you build? (The more details you can provide, the better.)