Originally Posted by Redneck
Originally Posted by GunGeek
[ I say government exists because anarchy is a failure.
And too much govt, too overbearing a gov't, too interfering a govt leads to anarchy... It's a vicious circle - and IMHO that circle is beginning to come around again..

From T. Jefferson, "the tree of liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of tyrants and patriots; it's its natural manure.."
You're absolutely right. Absolute anything, whether it be capitalism, socialism, whatever; just doesn't work. A nation is just too complex to just design one little set of rules and expect it to fit everything.

That's why you have the two sides, but the idea was they were supposed to come to reasonable compromises; they just don't do that anymore. So they wait until they have majorities or super-majorities and then just ram it down our throat...Obamacare being the poster child for that.

The problem lies with the people and their ignorance of government, and economics. They listen to some right or left wing talking heads and think they know the subject, when they know just enough to be dangerous. Then they go out and vote.