Originally Posted by fish head
This quarantine thing is NOT being implemented in reasonable manner.

You do not have to quarantine people in a full blown contagious disease medical facilty if they're asymptomatic.

The only thing that's required is that they do not come in contact with anyone that comes in contact with anyone else.

You could have them sit out the 21 days in a friggin' resort. No one in, no one out, no contact with other people ... for 21 days. I can think many creative ways that would in essence offer returning healthcare workers a 21 day vacation when they return to the US and absolutely restrict their contact with anyone. A deluxe RV on private land, a cabin on remote private beach, a houseboat on a private lake, ... Camp David.

You don't have to treat healthcare workers who have a risk of contracting the disease like a patient if they're not sick. If they develop symptoms only then they need to be quarantined in a medical facility.

The virus can only live for so many days outside the body so you wouldn't run the risk of someone becoming infected after they leave wherever they stay. Just quarantine the facility for 30 days or 60 days (whatever is appropriate) after they're gone. No one goes in until the virus is dead and gone.

Another thing is send them back in groups so they're not in solitary confinement.

Seems easy enough. We could even celebrate their sacrificial heroism while they are on quarantine vacation, if that would make them feel better about themselves.