Originally Posted by 007FJ

If we had been at Whidbey, I might have stayed in but not for sure. We had our second October 1, 1990. Pretty hard on a young wife to be solo in VaBch with a 4 and newborn while I was floating around the world all help from the family 1586 miles away.

Yea, that hit a lot of people in the VAQ community. There were never enough Prowlers to go around and even when I went to the reserves in 97 I ended up getting recalled to active duty 5 times for deployments in the next 10 years. Deployments, work-ups, red flags, china lake dets and all the other demands were hard on everyone. Great community and Whidey was great but we were gone a lot. I don't think in 8 years up there I ever had 60 days in a row at home.

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