Navlav8r...Was VA-55 on that cruise with you? R.Y. Weber was my CO in 42 later XO of the America when I went to 85 in 1989. One of the finest Naval Aviators I ever knew.

He showed us videos from bombing those gun boats and rafts. So awesome even with the poor video quality back then.

Pugs...Did your buddy in 137 ever have a copy of the Bad Company video that was played at the beginning of every launch during Desert Storm? Wished I had a copy of that.

Sorry for the side show on the gun safe thread but be glad none of us started with "this ain't no sh++" and started telling sea stories from the good ole days.

Originally Posted By: slumlord

people that text all day get on my nerves

just knowing that people are out there with that ability,....just makes me wanna punch myself in the balls