Hell Josh I think you're being way to hard on yourself! We had two FNGs with us that are fairly seasoned 1000 yd F-class guys and they shot a 28 and a 35!! That course is challenging!!! I think both Jeff and Rick dropped a couple of points this round. Like I said I think it's awesome you shot the RAR. You can shoot bud. We all said that last year after you shot the little 260/10x off your pack!!! Im sure every miss would have been a hurting critter! I'm not that competitive but every match I learn a little more about the wind. Hell I would never even try to shoot a critter that far but if I ever get to pull the trigger instead of watching someone else, I will definitely have the confidence!!

AND just to be clear my rig is only 2.5 times more than the the RAR!!! Hahahaha

"I used to be a tired hunting guide, now I'm just a re-tired hunting guide"

"No eternal reward will forgive us now, for wasting the dawn" JM
