Even when shown that recycling is a waste of time, money, and bad for the environment....look at all the posters that gleefully engage in the practice.
Virtue signaling, keeps the wrath of neighbor Karen away too.
Remember all the people who got the Shot because they didn't want to draw attention?
Yepp... lots of logic there Jim... kinda why I posted.
Recycling is VERY parallel with the same stupidity of a Covtard. VERY PARALLEL.
Doing something that make absolutely no sense... and continuing to do it... even with proof of the illogic of continuing to do it...
That is not ignorance... that is deliberate stupidity.
...and that is what 2022 America has become.
Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house
We do, BUT, only because we haul our trash a 'Waste Center'. $1 a bag for trash. Recyclables are free - plastic, glass, and cardboard take a lotta space in the bag. Don't really give a schidt where it goes after I drop it off.
I recycle like I comply with mask mandates. If I simply can't get around it (like when flying), I'll do it rather than waste time fighting. For recycling, though, I will make even less of an effort. I worked with a family friend who had a scrap metal business when I was in high school and afterwards. I saw what they do with anything other than very clean and valuable material...it either gets burned or it goes into landfill (often after taking a long boat ride overseas). Clean copper pipe was worth a lot, but you start adding in insultation to copper or less valuable materials that take a long time to separate out and it just gets disposed of.
I suspect much of this happens on a residential scale as well...maybe the aluminum cans get recycled, but all that other crap doesn't, even if it's in the right color container.
Anyone know what ever happened to all the materials from all the drives during World War Two?
85% of all the aluminum became chaff - but the program was so classified that most people had no idea. Really interesting video of the early days of electronic warfare.
If something on the internet makes you angry the odds are you're being manipulated
- You see 56% of the US population NOT working... but collecting a .GOV paycheck, Direct Deposit, Welfare, Food Stamps, SPAP et al... as a burden on YOU as a citizen that is paying taxes.
- You see .GOV mandating IF you are allowed to go to church, or the synagogue, ride a bus or fly in a plane, go the grocery store or the post office without 4x vaxs and 3x masks... as a burden on YOU as a citizen that is paying taxes
- You see .GOV limiting you speech (outside of 24HC), controlling you knives and guns and other means of self defense... as a burden on YOU as a citizen that is paying taxes
WHY would you BURDEN .GOV (AND YOURSELF AND YOUR TAX PAYMENT) with 400% more... to have .GOV burn your trash... vs. just throwing in the "normal" 100% base cost trash can?
Think people... please for the love of God... THINK!
I put paper, plastic, cans and glass in the recycle container but I'm pretty sure everything ends up in the regular landfill except for the cans and glass. If you put out yard waste it goes in the same truck as all the regular garbage. I like having 2 garbage cans though.
The storage yard for the recycled plastics business suspiciously catches on fire whenever their inventory exceeds demand. Tons of black carbon released as air pollution. Can see it from miles away. News says it was an accident from employee carelessly tossing a cigarette. Business collects on insurance claim. Nobody investigates.
Last I heard, coupla years back in the local paper, our County had a five year dispensation from the State for not diverting enough recyclables from the landfill stream. Not sure where we stand on that now. Probably worse during The Corona, as both our "recycling centers" were shut for awhile. One because of the economics of the business, not sure about the other.
Both do a good business with the type of folks that collect cans and bottles for the CA refund. The one that was out of business is operating for a few months now under new owners, doing cars and scrap metal along with some other stuff. I think they might even be taking non-refund glass again, and steel cans, both of which I like to recycle.
Scheidt show all around for sure. There is need for more local options to use the feedstock, but the business model involves large centers and plants to make it into material for other businesses to use. And that's not mentioning the paperwork hoops a mom and pop recycled glass melting operation would need to jump through if someone attempted to do something local. So now, the only option seems to be truck it down to the Bay Area or send it to the landfill.
Oh well, I won't be around when the overabundant humans have to start mining the landfills of the last 100 years for raw materials. (That is, if the vaxx doesn't wipe them all out in the globalist plan to reduce the population)
The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men. In it is contentment In it is death and all you seek (Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)
The answer is absolutely yes; recycling is just an amazing thing so that everyone can contribute to saving our planet from environmental catastrophe. I hope that as many people as possible understand this and also use plastic things for as long as possible so that later this plastic does not pollute oceans or landfills all over the planet. I advise everyone to read the https://naturaler.co.uk/how-to-use-less-plastic/ article on this topic to reduce their consumption of plastic. Believe me, it's not that difficult, but it contributes incredibly positively to protecting the environment and saving our planet as a whole.