Thank you for that pic of your 13' Old Town. It was like looking at mine in the water. I also shuddered when you said someone wanted to turn it into a "planter". Glad you got it for a "fair" price (nothing)- 'cause I think a good canoe is "priceless" anyway.

Mine usually has an electric motor hanging off the square transom- and sometimes even a second motor mounted on a side out-rigger on the front. I'll sometimes run them both- and will have to adjust the shafts for depth- depending on what end I'm sitting.

It's not like I have something against paddles- It's just what I "happen" do when I'm fishing.

But I'll have to admit- The best fishing trips I have ever been on in my life were about 4 trips into Quetico Provincial Park in Ontario, Canada. No out-boards allowed there- (gas anyway). There were 3 elements involved that made those trips so perfect. The canoeing- the all day paddling became 2nd nature with my breathing and the very beating of my heart- complete joy and invigoration as I paddled from the front point beholding the beautiful scenery of water, terrain, and sky- constantly unfolding before my eye's.

Also, 2nd, the fishing: (Lake Trout & more) (Fishing: my lifes obsession). And 3rd, the camping, and the cooking, and eating.

And of course another "priceless" item (like your canoe) which I cannot number (which is also "free"): The Friendship and Fellowship, shared with 2 comrades- (who are both gone now- a father and son- (who were like a father and brother to me). Without their know-how and experience I would never have attempted adventures like that.

There is also a frequent contributor & member on this Forum that has helped helped to make make last years deer hunting trip (my first)- completely successful- (again in every way). Seems like I'm more often on the receiving end of someones else's generosity and sharing. I just hope I can do a little of the same in some way- for someone- before I get too old.


(There is something about being "on" or "near" water-
That just brings peace to the mind and to the soul,)