You dread coming to holiday get togethers?

Me? I don’t have any.

Mother in law, she’s nice but nutty as a payday

Brother in law’s adopted son- he thinks the whole 5 lbs of hashbrowns in the giant serving platter is his personal plate.

couple others that show up occasionally
None. I love my family and I enjoy seeing my siblings but most importantly dad enjoys seeing his children, our spouses and his grandchildren. The holidays should be about family, not pettiness and bickering.
Frankly nobody short of my three sons.
There is this really odd lesbian couple a few miles down the road...

I give out their address to people I don't like.
We stay at home for thanksgiving, just the two of us. No real family issues, but trying to visit everyone made thanksgiving an exhausting nightmare. Thanksgiving is calm and peaceful now. Highly recommend.
Originally Posted by EdM
Frankly nobody short of my three sons.

...and a man named Bub.
I dread seeing about 75 % of mine. Maybe more. Since the parents are gone I pretty much have boycotted all family holiday events.
Mine are all really down to earth, a pleasure.

Wife’s family Christmas gathering, her brother is about the only one I can take, can’t stand the rest. A bunch of goofy bastards.
I generally assume it's me that everyone dreads, but also can't wait to see.
mine are all gone.
Yup, got one.,...
Quit doing the holiday dinner dash years ago. Thanksgiving wife and kids bring dinner to the cabin. Christmas Eve at moms, Christmas Day at ours. Skip the “cousins dinners” once most of my cousins kids decided to become tweakers. Wife cut loose of her toxic family 2 years ago. Bunch of country club trust fund babies and married for money sisters and aunts. Life’s too short to spend the holidays being miserable or some Jerry springer holiday special.
I have zero doubt that I have been labeled "that" guy before, and I am totally fine with that.

Luckily I have next to no family and what I do have, all live far away.
Ha, I'm the one that is dreaded to show up so I tend to cut my visits very short. Eat and run.... My brother, his wife and three kids are scum and they know that I know it! The perfect example of white trash: drugs, alcohol, every one of them had been arrested multiple times with one still in the pen for robbing a bank. All have dropped out of school but still know more than anyone!
Over twenty years since I've been anywhere near my sister for a holiday.
There is one single cousin in my extended family no one cares to have anything to do with. Other than that there are only a few minor disagreements and hurt feelings that come and go.
Originally Posted by goalie
Over twenty years since I've been anywhere near my sister for a holiday.

Not getting into the details but Im seriously envious.
My only related family here is my mom and dad.
(and wife, her sister and kids, we all get along)

A few distant relations but they don't come over very often.

My dad and I are the [bleep] but never at dinner.

used to enjoy thanksgiving with my parents when they were alive. we'd all go to our camp and have a nice laid back country visit. one year my oblivious brother decided to bring his wife and 7 kids. god knows why he thought that 15 people could function in a small 3 bedroom cabin in late november when 7 of them were rotten fuggen brats from like 4 marriages. lets just say they never did that again.

now its just me, wife and kids and occasionally a girlfriend or boyfriend. after a big breakfast we go out back and shoot about 500 rounds of various ammo all afternoon and then pig out and everybody is passed out by about 7.
I'm pretty sure my whole family feels I'm "that guy".....the only asset I bring to the gathering is my ever so wonderful baby girl chocolate lab.
Jeeze...this is a hard one...............hmmmm............I guess I'd have to say all of them except my two sons and their families.
Don't hang with people I don't like, family of not ..
I dread the whole bunch the thing that makes me the happiest is when they leave!!
Not one mention of democrats yet… grin
One that does not stop talking and is an expert on everything..other than that we have a blast
I have a liberal brother that's a real POS. He's burned out and blames everyone besides himself.
Originally Posted by navlav8r
One that does not stop talking and is an expert on everything..other than that we have a blast

Didn't know you knew my step-dad.
None here. Have several siblings and lots of neices and nephews, my kids, and some great neices and nephews. All conservative, we have a good time.
My wife has a brother that married a woman that moved to Dallas from California. An Obama, Hillary, Bernie, Biden supporter and a big gay rights advocate. She has a masters degree in some kind of business degree and I'm just a high school graduate worth way more than her if we counted up. At one Thanksgiving dinner she went off on not liking Texas Governor Rick Perry in her state of refuge. I asked her what was it about Perry she didn't like. She told me he was bad on environmental policy. I asked if she could tell one thing he was bad about on the environment and she was dumbstruck. I mean could not name one thing. That branch of my wife's family has started staying over in Dallas for Thanksgiving and we eat here in Louisiana with the Trump faction. Oh by the way, the brother in law that is married to this loon thought George Zimmerman and Kyle should have gotten life in the pen.
The wife's younger brother is one that i hope does not show up.

My older sister lives to far away to be a factor. laugh
Originally Posted by SandBilly
You dread coming to holiday get togethers?

Me? I don’t have any.


I got married and moved 2k miles away from everyone on both sides. No family drama here.
I reserve that honor for myself! Somebody's got to do it.
Every family has the one crazy member. If you thinks your family does not, the crazy one is likely you.
Originally Posted by SandBilly
You dread coming to holiday get togethers?

Me? I don’t have any.


If you don't have any your it!

It's like crazy cousins. If you don't have crazy cousins it's because it's you.

Originally Posted by Skankhunt42
None here. Have several siblings and lots of neices and nephews, my kids, and some great neices and nephews. All conservative, we have a good time.

Sounds like our bunch too! As Haggard used to sing…”the roots of my raisin runs deep.” Thank the Good Lord. And We do.
I just thank God that all my inlaws moved 300 miles away, I now love Thanksgiving
Originally Posted by gkt5450
Originally Posted by Skankhunt42
None here. Have several siblings and lots of neices and nephews, my kids, and some great neices and nephews. All conservative, we have a good time.

Sounds like our bunch too! As Haggard used to sing…”the roots of my raisin runs deep.” Thank the Good Lord. And We do.

Sounds like my family too. I love getting the whole family together for any holiday.
When I got married, my wife became my family and our family has grown with two kids. Everyone else got demoted to “relatives”.

I’m pretty friendly and outgoing outside of the house and having friends over is fine. Friends respect your home and space.

But, I generally don’t like entertaining relatives. They think they can do whatever because we’re “family”. My BIL has retarded twins that strip naked and sit their nasty asses on stuff. Then, I start calling people out, people get pissed and leave, the wife starts crying. It’s like clockwork.
I generally welcome everyone with open arms. That is till u piss me off.
Majority of the wife's family can kick fuggin' rocks.

My sister has made an art out of feigning offense over nothing. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat shi.t
My son, my daughter in law, my daughter, her boyfriend, my brother, my sister, my 3 nieces. my two brother in laws, and my mother in law. are all liberals.

Myself, my wife, and my brother in Montana are conservatives.

The wife and I have invited no guests and will accept no invitations on Thanksgiving.
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
When I got married, my wife became my family and our family has grown with two kids. Everyone else got demoted to “relatives”.

I’m pretty friendly and outgoing outside of the house and having friends over is fine. Friends respect your home and space.

But, I generally don’t like entertaining relatives. They think they can do whatever because we’re “family”. My BIL has retarded twins that strip naked and sit their nasty asses on stuff. Then, I start calling people out, people get pissed and leave, the wife starts crying. It’s like clockwork.

I was right there with you, thinking this guy is exactly like me and then the retarded naked twins and I switched to ok I’ll keep my dumbass family.
Uncle Jessie. I miss that guy. Dieabeetiz took him 20 years ago.

He always made boring ass parties fun.

I'm the ahole that always liked to get the crazy ones all spunup like top and watch'em go.

As i've posted before,all of the drunks and dopers that messed up family functions have died off .We re down to one Narccistic old hag,my wifes stepmother,but, she 's on her last legs,not long for this world so her own family is dealing with her and her gibbering nonsense,thank God.

She tried demanding all the kids call her Grandma, and i trained them all to call her Katherine,she had a really bad habit of showing up hours late and i refused to unwrap food and feed her if she missed dinner time.Too bad,be on time.Have some pie.I put a stop to MOST of her crazy crap. Hopefully she ll go to her family for Christmas too.It s peacefull without her.

On friday i'll go up to my family in New Hampshire to eat leftovers and go hunting( most of their nutjobs have died off too)then get ready for Christmas.
[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
Christmas of 2015 we had a Christmas gathering at my place.
Whole extended family.
My late mother in law who was a staunch Democrat along with my Oregon Hippy sister in law insisted someone say grace...(she always delegated it, but never wanted to say it herself) so after a dubious number of whiskeys I volunteered.
I bowed my head and thanked the Lord for my many blessings and our beautiful meal.
Just as everyone thought I was going to finish with an "Amen" I asked the Lord for a favor..."Oh...and Almighty Lord, please don't let Hillary Clinton become president of our beloved Country....Amen.
My wife stomped my foot with her heel under the table and there was a noticeable awkwardness at the table...🤣🤣🤣
Since all my family lives far away, I generally enjoy getting together with them since we don't get to see them often.

My BIL and the I spar over politics, but he's a alright guy.
Youngest daughter, she is bi-polar and refuses to get any help, industrial strength/janitor in a drum PMS to boot. Has never been on time for anything, ever.

Her youngest, my only grandson, makes her show up so he can come (9 years old). She refused to let him huntthis year after he and I building his 6.5 Grendel. Her husband is the worst puzzy whipped person in the world.

If I never spoke to her again it would be too soon and that is terrible, she was my favorite as a child.
Originally Posted by SandBilly
You dread coming to holiday get togethers?

Me? I don’t have any.

Just one??? Crap.. OK, wife's BIL... Nuff said there..
Fathers wife[3rd].
That bitch can KMRFA
That's about all I have to say about that!
Non here.
The relatives we don't want to show up at our house have been told not to show up and they know to stay away!

Everyone else is welcome!
There is always that one in-law or guest who likes to point out things wrong with the house, yard or whatever. “That trim needs painting”. “You better think about replacing some of your facia boards” “Looks like you are starting to get drainage problems in your yard” “ I would do something about that tree that’s starting to lean in your yard”. “Look at all these weeds” “When was the last time you changed your furnace filters?” “Looks like your tires are a little low”. STFU
I’m good to go in the brother in law dept

One smokes dope

The other doesnt vote

No issues otherwise
Used to be my father, but he's been dead for almost 30 years now.
Some of yall people got it made if you only have to deal with one dinner. And one person that grates on you


Before everyone started dropping dead

We had to go to both sets of wife’s grandparents’ thanksgiv dinner. And all of the outer orbit fruitcake weirdos and 2nd cousins and negro neighbor, garbage man invited BS on those

Then wife’s mother has to and still does have her own Thanksgiving dinner

Then my family, with occasional long distance grandma showing up

Then the customary Sunday one at church pot luck

That’s 5 big dinners. And all types of goobers and tittie babies that want something fixed just so.

The biggest thing was this all started about 2 weeks out before actual Thanksgiving.

And then.....all the same sheeyott happens again for Christmas dinner and Christmas Eve breakfast.

Who lotta ass holes that don’t hunt making all this shît difficult.

One of the wife’s grandmothers, there’d be about 35 people at that one.
Fuggin Grammy Numm Numms from Arkansas be traveling 8 hours with a nasty batch of Watergate salad in her stinky blue tupperware Uncle Si bowl. Riding on her lap.

Why ?


Nasty old people
Wife's nephew's wife is a first class k unt, can't stand the whiney little biotch !
Soupy, cold mashed potatoes. Consistently of buttermilk.

Everyone get a styrofoam plate


I've been Blessed with a very good family, Thank God.
Maybe that’s gravy not mashed taters?

Ever think of that?
Originally Posted by SandBilly
Maybe that’s gravy not mashed taters?

Ever think of that?

You dont know


Eat your $31 bone in steak
Maybe SuperTub can chime in and let you know what the consistency difference is between mashed taters and gravy.
Originally Posted by wabigoon
Non here.

That means its you...
Originally Posted by SandBilly
Maybe SuperTub can chime in and let you know what the consistency difference is between mashed taters and gravy.

Yankee boy got taken to school

Originally Posted by hillestadj
Originally Posted by wabigoon
Non here.

That means its you...

Wears his spurs to dinner with his Matlock suit
Not many people in our family.

Everybody is respectful however.
Had a “know it all aunt” who gave my brother and I some profound advice at family reunions when we were teenagers. She said “ Keep your pecker in your pants”. That was her legacy. Other than that she was a real PIA. Liberal Union lover too. Hated conservatives.
Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by hillestadj
Originally Posted by wabigoon
Non here.

That means its you...

Wears his spurs to dinner with his Matlock suit

Muhfucka wearing a turquoise bolo tie and cornering all the kids for the 50th time - "Ever seen a penny screw'n a nickel?!"...pulls a penny, a machine screw, and a nickel out of his pocket. Keeps em in his suit coat for special occasions...
“Wanna see my ears wiggle” ??
MIL's "boyfriend"

mutli-millionaire know it all who has a comment for everything

We normally rotate Xmas at each others houses. this year the family we were going to visit canceled rather than have him there, and we volunteered - now everyone canceled on coming to be with us except the MIL and him. So instead of spending time with my young nieces and nephews, watching them open their presents, cooking food and drinking wine in the kitchen with the adults and all the other fun stuff, I get to hear his conspiracy theories and how his company would go belly up if he wasn't there to tell customers what to do. On top of everything he else, he hates dogs so we have to keep them penned up while he is here.

Yes I should tell him to phug off and stay home but then my wife doesn't get to spend time with her elderly mom , which means I have to deal with an unhappy wife.

Xmas is going to suck
My aunt, mothers side. She makes the best tater salad in the world, on the other hand dumb as a football bat. In her mind "She's all that and a bag of chips".
Other than that my large extended family gets along pretty well. We have an unspoken policy of " Don't be gettin' up in my bidness" unless I ask you.
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle

But, I generally don’t like entertaining relatives. They think they can do whatever because we’re “family”. My BIL has retarded twins that strip naked and sit their nasty asses on stuff. Then, I start calling people out, people get pissed and leave, the wife starts crying. It’s like clockwork.

A brother from another mother....I go along, to get along, until I don’t...Then it’s let’s play why you’re a selfish, self centered loser, and your ugly wife is a stupid bitch.

Happy Holidays 😝

My family gets along well, so no real problems for the holidays. It'll be at the folks like always-Mom &Dad both look forward to hosting. I suppose the only sort of bad actor there might be my sisters little black lab. She's a bit of a nervous dog. If she gets out of hand my sister puts her in her crate and the dog calms right down.
Future (yuck) SIL.
My fathers side sort of soured me for family get togethers. Every time they got together for the holidays most of them ended up seriously drunk and obnoxious.
It’s better now since they are all dead.
Both of our parents are gone. We get along fine with all of my brothers and their kids. But there's too many kids and grandkids now, so we only get together around Christmas to see everybody.

My wife's sisters and their kids will be over for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. I get along great with my BIL. The other two sisters are divorced. I get along great with my SIL's. About 30 years ago I made it perfectly clear that I'm not married to them and I'm not going to take their schit. After that schit hit the fan, we've been on good terms and everybody's happy.
Originally Posted by Salmonella
I bowed my head and thanked the Lord for my many blessings and our beautiful meal.
Just as everyone thought I was going to finish with an "Amen" I asked the Lord for a favor..."Oh...and Almighty Lord, please don't let Hillary Clinton become president of our beloved Country....Amen.
My wife stomped my foot with her heel under the table and there was a noticeable awkwardness at the table...🤣🤣🤣

........ laugh
Originally Posted by Snowwolfe
My fathers side sort of soured me for family get togethers. Every time they got together for the holidays most of them ended up seriously drunk and obnoxious.
It’s better now since they are all dead.

that last line cracked me up. That is one way to make the holiday better.
Originally Posted by KFWA
MIL's "boyfriend"

mutli-millionaire know it all who has a comment for everything

We normally rotate Xmas at each others houses. this year the family we were going to visit canceled rather than have him there, and we volunteered - now everyone canceled on coming to be with us except the MIL and him. So instead of spending time with my young nieces and nephews, watching them open their presents, cooking food and drinking wine in the kitchen with the adults and all the other fun stuff, I get to hear his conspiracy theories and how his company would go belly up if he wasn't there to tell customers what to do. On top of everything he else, he hates dogs so we have to keep them penned up while he is here.

Yes I should tell him to phug off and stay home but then my wife doesn't get to spend time with her elderly mom , which means I have to deal with an unhappy wife.

Xmas is going to suck

Is he against fluoride and believe tetanus shots turn people magnetic?
Does he watch a lot of Alex Jones?

I tell you what, you guys think you got it bad. My family screeeeeeeewed up.

Tell you how dang bad it is. None of the wimmen wanna drink more'n 4, 5 at most. I gotta buy all the booze too or no one drinkin at all, dry house! Damn I say! Why y'all be like dat? Damn dry house and schit.

Neighbor come over with a banana cream pie I say Hey sugar, hows about summa your pie instead? Snooty witch storm out, take the pie, everyone all grumpy no nanner cream pie again this year. What give? Ever body got problems.

And the little ones, theys growin on up. Seem like just yesterday they was in trainin bras. Now they all dat, cheerleaders'n schit. Too good to talk to uncle innymo.

It gitten to where a guy can't even get laid at a family get together no more.

Yeah, my family screwed up fo sho. Mm hmm.
Originally Posted by slumlord
Originally Posted by KFWA
MIL's "boyfriend"

mutli-millionaire know it all who has a comment for everything

We normally rotate Xmas at each others houses. this year the family we were going to visit canceled rather than have him there, and we volunteered - now everyone canceled on coming to be with us except the MIL and him. So instead of spending time with my young nieces and nephews, watching them open their presents, cooking food and drinking wine in the kitchen with the adults and all the other fun stuff, I get to hear his conspiracy theories and how his company would go belly up if he wasn't there to tell customers what to do. On top of everything he else, he hates dogs so we have to keep them penned up while he is here.

Yes I should tell him to phug off and stay home but then my wife doesn't get to spend time with her elderly mom , which means I have to deal with an unhappy wife.

Xmas is going to suck

Is he against fluoride and believe tetanus shots turn people magnetic?
Does he watch a lot of Alex Jones?

I'll pass on answering as whatever examples I gave would align with some people's beliefs on this forum
Originally Posted by KFWA
MIL's "boyfriend"

mutli-millionaire know it all who has a comment for everything

We normally rotate Xmas at each others houses. this year the family we were going to visit canceled rather than have him there, and we volunteered - now everyone canceled on coming to be with us except the MIL and him. So instead of spending time with my young nieces and nephews, watching them open their presents, cooking food and drinking wine in the kitchen with the adults and all the other fun stuff, I get to hear his conspiracy theories and how his company would go belly up if he wasn't there to tell customers what to do. On top of everything he else, he hates dogs so we have to keep them penned up while he is here.

Yes I should tell him to phug off and stay home but then my wife doesn't get to spend time with her elderly mom , which means I have to deal with an unhappy wife.

Xmas is going to suck

Happy wife.....

Happy life.
We're staying home, her kids are going to their in-laws, and my own mother is in stage four cancer, so neither my sister or I are really in a holiday mood. Mom will probably not make it to Christmas this year. None of us are looking forward to this year's Holiday season.
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
But, I generally don’t like entertaining relatives. They think they can do whatever because we’re “family”. My BIL has retarded twins that strip naked and sit their nasty asses on stuff. Then, I start calling people out, people get pissed and leave, the wife starts crying. It’s like clockwork.

You should film this....for the rest of us on the 'Fire laugh
How about the relative who brings their half house broke dog over?
One Thanksgiving or Christmas my sis & bil brought their small dog over. We were all visiting and talking in the living room enjoying a nice conversation when out of the corner of my eye here comes Rover sliding by everyone on the carpet on its azzhole. Dog also pizzed a 10” diameter circle on the carpet in the master bedroom. I forgot to close the door. Another time my sister hollered out “Where’s the dog? Somebody find her she’s looking for a place to schit”. After that no more fugging dogs allowed. It was a dachshund, nice friendly dog but a walking pizz / schit factory.
Right now a bunch of all your family members are thinking “I hope that bitter, crabby old fugg stays home this year”
When I was a teenager we were having a get together at my Grandmas house. I dont remember if it was 4th of July, Christmas etc. But one of my uncles showed up and was sitting at the dinner table writing stuff down in a note book. My Grandma out of curiosity asked him what he was doing. He told her he was writing down the names of all of the people that owed him money. My Grandma paused for a minute and then said, "How about you paying me back the money from the loan I cosigned for you several years ago and you only made one payment on and left me to pay it off?"
Then the fight started.........
Originally Posted by gonehuntin
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
But, I generally don’t like entertaining relatives. They think they can do whatever because we’re “family”. My BIL has retarded twins that strip naked and sit their nasty asses on stuff. Then, I start calling people out, people get pissed and leave, the wife starts crying. It’s like clockwork.

You should film this....for the rest of us on the 'Fire laugh

Besides the fact I'm not black, it kinda goes like this:

With a little of this:
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle

But, I generally don’t like entertaining relatives. They think they can do whatever because we’re “family”. My BIL has retarded twins that strip naked and sit their nasty asses on stuff. Then, I start calling people out, people get pissed and leave, the wife starts crying. It’s like clockwork.

A brother from another mother....I go along, to get along, until I don’t...Then it’s let’s play why you’re a selfish, self centered loser, and your ugly wife is a stupid bitch.

Happy Holidays 😝


We live 2 hours from my BIL. My wife gave birth, lost a lot of blood, kid had to go to the NICU, and who pulls up when we finally got out of the hospital after a week? My BIL, his dumb bitch wife from Tibet, and his two Hari Krishna waterhead kids! My wife, says they can stay in the guest room and my daughter’s room (they have to keep the kids separated at night or they beat the crap out of each other in their sleep). That means my wife, daughter, newborn son, and I supposed to all sleep in my bedroom.

I bought a bunch of stuff for my wife to eat and drink so she wouldn’t have to cook and she could stay hydrated. Not even 10 minutes and these azzholes are stuffing their faces and have 7 gatorades open. Their kids are older and bigger than my daughter, so they started taking her toys (best part about them being unable to talk is I can trip/shoulder check/shove them into counter corners and they can’t rat me out).

One of their kids takes his pants off and sits on my new couch and I finally had it. I went the F*** OFF on them. I went on this tirade that I really wish was on tape. Haven’t heard from them since. I heard the BIL bitched to my mother in-law and she went off on him too for being so inconsiderate.
There are at least two seperate reports in this thread of relatives' kids taking their britches off and sitting on furniture.

What the hell. I didn't even know this was a thing. If I had went to Aunt Gertrude's house when I was a kid and rubbed my junk into her couch I would have had the schidt beat out of me.

Some of you all are related to feral monkey children.
We live over a thousand miles from family. Stopped traveling back east about 8-9 years ago when I had had enough. I always kept my mouth shut and tried to just help wherever.

Came to a point in time where I was done. We don't go back for holidays anymore. Just have my mother, brother and sil and sister and bil. Their kids and some grandkids in the mix. When I do occasionally get back there, I don't spend much time. Actually forbid my kids from going and staying with their grandma up until just this past year.

I have a step sister that is a condescending rip. Got a couple degrees from a community college and little college then spent her whole career teaching at a community college. Typical white liberal. Looks down her nose at us yet she has never accomplished anything in the world. She has poisoned the mind of a niece who now is a hardcore dem aso. Again, never done anything. Never fully supported herself for more than maybe a month before needing mom or grandpa or grandma to help her out. And she acts all-knowing. Fugg it. Life is too short. Got far better things to do.

So I guess now if you asked them, I would be that guy. But I don't give them the pleasure of my presence and sure as hell don't ask them out here.
Originally Posted by Gooch_McGrundle
With a little of this:

My favorite part of the whole movie!
SIL that is a retired school teacher in Washington, needless to say, we don't see eye to eye. Oldest son's wife's family, just too many of them and they are too loud for me. Wife and I are deep frying a turkey for Thanksgiving this year, just us and the two dogs. Oldest son lives 5 minutes from us but we are going to pass. Too much drama and noise for me.
Originally Posted by GAGoober
How about the relative who brings their half house broke dog over?
One Thanksgiving or Christmas my sis & bil brought their small dog over. We were all visiting and talking in the living room enjoying a nice conversation when out of the corner of my eye here comes Rover sliding by everyone on the carpet on its azzhole. Dog also pizzed a 10” diameter circle on the carpet in the master bedroom. I forgot to close the door. Another time my sister hollered out “Where’s the dog? Somebody find her she’s looking for a place to schit”. After that no more fugging dogs allowed. It was a dachshund, nice friendly dog but a walking pizz / schit factory.

I'm laughing my azz off! We have friends who came to a super bowl party we hosted. They are rodeo people and have always had border collies. She got a couple chiwawas and brought one of those damn things with them. They came through the front door and that damn chiwawa ran over to our couch and lifted his leg, pissed all over the couch. I asked her what the hell? I had my two cattle dogs out in the kennel, and knew my male would come in the house later and be pissed. She took off for home, pissed at me, with that damn little rat dog. Probably should have let my dogs in but they would have killed that little rat bastage.
Originally Posted by GAGoober
How about the relative who brings their half house broke dog over?
One Thanksgiving or Christmas my sis & bil brought their small dog over. We were all visiting and talking in the living room enjoying a nice conversation when out of the corner of my eye here comes Rover sliding by everyone on the carpet on its azzhole. Dog also pizzed a 10” diameter circle on the carpet in the master bedroom. I forgot to close the door. Another time my sister hollered out “Where’s the dog? Somebody find her she’s looking for a place to schit”. After that no more fugging dogs allowed. It was a dachshund, nice friendly dog but a walking pizz / schit factory.

FYI, the dog is completely house broke and a good judge of character grin
Originally Posted by GAGoober
How about the relative who brings their half house broke dog over?
One Thanksgiving or Christmas my sis & bil brought their small dog over. We were all visiting and talking in the living room enjoying a nice conversation when out of the corner of my eye here comes Rover sliding by everyone on the carpet on its azzhole. Dog also pizzed a 10” diameter circle on the carpet in the master bedroom. I forgot to close the door. Another time my sister hollered out “Where’s the dog? Somebody find her she’s looking for a place to schit”. After that no more fugging dogs allowed. It was a dachshund, nice friendly dog but a walking pizz / schit factory.

I've got an 11 yo lab that thinks he's a person and he hates dogs. About 4 years ago, my daughter moved back home and she has a little mut. He's a cool dog and my dog tolerates him. One Christmas a few years ago, we had a schit load of people over. My son shows up with his big azz Australian Shephard that my dog hates and immediately pizzes on something. He's constantly up the other dogs azzes and brown nosing them which causes a ruckus. My SIL shows up with her 5 yo black lab that's totally out of control, who my dog also hates. She's jumping up on the table trying to steel food all night long. Then my daughter's friend shows up with her pug that all of the dogs hate. So now we have about 20 people and 5 dogs that hate each other. The dogs are running around barking and getting into each other's schit. What a clusterfuk. Now it's no dogs allowed. Leave them at home so that we can enjoy our time together.
[Linked Image from media.giphy.com]
Originally Posted by auk1124
There are at least two seperate reports in this thread of relatives' kids taking their britches off and sitting on furniture.

What the hell. I didn't even know this was a thing. If I had went to Aunt Gertrude's house when I was a kid and rubbed my junk into her couch I would have had the schidt beat out of me.

Some of you all are related to feral monkey children.

what isn't being said is apparently no one tells these kids to wash their ass
Originally Posted by Stonecutter
I've got an 11 yo lab that thinks he's a person and he hates dogs. About 4 years ago, my daughter moved back home and she has a little mut. He's a cool dog and my dog tolerates him. One Christmas a few years ago, we had a schit load of people over. My son shows up with his big azz Australian Shephard that my dog hates and immediately pizzes on something. He's constantly up the other dogs azzes and brown nosing them which causes a ruckus. My SIL shows up with her 5 yo black lab that's totally out of control, who my dog also hates. She's jumping up on the table trying to steel food all night long. Then my daughter's friend shows up with her pug that all of the dogs hate. So now we have about 20 people and 5 dogs that hate each other. The dogs are running around barking and getting into each other's schit. What a clusterfuk. Now it's no dogs allowed. Leave them at home so that we can enjoy our time together.

Sounds like some of the roundups I have attended. Why not just stop by the dog pound and get a half dozen dogs and turn them loose? Dont get me wrong, I like dogs, my dog! I like kids too, my kids and their kids! Your dogs and kids not so much.
I guess I'm lucky. I have no close family. I have a good lady friend who has a neat daughter and son in law and we are invited to their home on thanksgiving and Christmas for dinner. They also have other friends over and it is a friendly civilized holiday gathering and meal. I know I'm blessed in this way.
I might be the one because the brother that wanted nothing to do with us died in September. My sister lives 1 mile away. I asked if they wanted to come over for Thanksgiving. She said she already shopped and had Thanksgiving dinner bought. I said OK and waited for "why don't you come over?" Nope.
Originally Posted by ratsmacker
We're staying home, her kids are going to their in-laws, and my own mother is in stage four cancer, so neither my sister or I are really in a holiday mood. Mom will probably not make it to Christmas this year. None of us are looking forward to this year's Holiday season.

Sorry to hear about your mom. We were in your same position at Christmas last year. Mom could barely sit up and she passed on January 11. Christmas was not memorable last year.
We were going to invite a long time "friend" over for Thanksgiving. She's alone so it seemed like the right thing to do, right?

Over the course of time this person has pissed off every single person in her life to the point that they told her to her face not to ever contact them again. We were the last holdouts. That includes, ex-husband of 30 years, both son and daughter, mother on her death bed said don't let her in my room!, father for 15 years, sister, brother, co-workers, friends. She is very pleasant but is addicted to pain killers, constantly schemes, and is a petty thief, and pathological liar. If her lips are moving, she's lying. If she comes over, guard your medicine cabinet. She brings small gifts to ingratiate herself, even when you insist she not.

We hung in there with her until the other day. She called and said, "Hey, I'm helping clean out a house and there's some things over here you need". Sure who doesn't love a junk sale?

We picked up a few useful items like giant bags of potting soil but the prices she told us were not the prices the owner wanted. No problem, we paid what the owner wanted. Then she lied and said she got some of the money back which she hadn't but really, you lie to your friends over a $1 a bag?

And the pretty rocks in the yard that the owner said not to take, she put in our truck when we were inside looking at other items. And she wouldn't take no for an answer when I said I didn't want to try her drink. She couldn't let it go. I finally got her to look me in the eye and said, NO! And the pretty little glass dome that my wife asked about and was told no it's not for sale ended up in our bag. And the pile of "good stuff" in the garage Darcy was trying to sneak out, aka steal. "Oh, that's part of my payment for helping". When we got home and saw what had happened we said that's it. Took the items back that she had stuck in our bag and truck and explained to the lady in front of our friend that we DID NOT take her little glass globe, nor the other crap and here it was, and goodbye Darcy.

What's astounding to me is that every person in her life has tried to set her straight and eventually abandoned her for her stupid, petty garbage. People are their own worst enemy sometimes.

One lesson I learned young that stuck with me for life was when I had a boss that had a refrigerator full of Olympia beer. After working all day the crews would come in and he would sometimes offer someone a beer if he felt like they had worked extra hard that day. He would say, "Those are mine to give, not yours to take". So many people today never learned that simple lesson in what's right, and simple respect.

It's people like that teaching young people right from wrong that are missing in so many young lives today. Of course even the best of parents have an errant kid now and then, but most of these these people we see now causing all these problems had weak parents who didn't do their job.
Originally Posted by Fireball2
We were going to invite a long time "friend" over for Thanksgiving. She's alone so it seemed like the right thing to do, right?

Over the course of time this person has pissed off every single person in her life to the point that they told her to her face not to ever contact them again. We were the last holdouts. That includes, ex-husband of 30 years, both son and daughter, mother on her death bed said don't let her in my room!, father for 15 years, sister, brother, co-workers, friends. She is very pleasant but is addicted to pain killers, constantly schemes, and is a petty thief, and pathological liar. If her lips are moving, she's lying. If she comes over, guard your medicine cabinet. She brings small gifts to ingratiate herself, even when you insist she not.

We hung in there with her until the other day. She called and said, "Hey, I'm helping clean out a house and there's some things over here you need". Sure who doesn't love a junk sale?

We picked up a few useful items like giant bags of potting soil but the prices she told us were not the prices the owner wanted. No problem, we paid what the owner wanted. Then she lied and said she got some of the money back which she hadn't but really, you lie to your friends over a $1 a bag?

And the pretty rocks in the yard that the owner said not to take, she put in our truck when we were inside looking at other items. And she wouldn't take no for an answer when I said I didn't want to try her drink. She couldn't let it go. I finally got her to look me in the eye and said, NO! And the pretty little glass dome that my wife asked about and was told no it's not for sale ended up in our bag. And the pile of "good stuff" in the garage Darcy was trying to sneak out, aka steal. "Oh, that's part of my payment for helping". When we got home and saw what had happened we said that's it. Took the items back that she had stuck in our bag and truck and explained to the lady in front of our friend that we DID NOT take her little glass globe, nor the other crap and here it was, and goodbye Darcy.

What's astounding to me is that every person in her life has tried to set her straight and eventually abandoned her for her stupid, petty garbage. People are their own worst enemy sometimes.

One lesson I learned young that stuck with me for life was when I had a boss that had a refrigerator full of Olympia beer. After working all day the crews would come in and he would sometimes offer someone a beer if he felt like they had worked extra hard that day. He would say, "Those are mine to give, not yours to take". So many people today never learned that simple lesson in what's right, and simple respect.

It's people like that teaching young people right from wrong that are missing in so many young lives today. Of course even the best of parents have an errant kid now and then, but most of these these people we see now causing all these problems had weak parents who didn't do their job.

Great story.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

Originally Posted by SandBilly

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, too SB.



You too man.
I'm pretty lucky about Thanksgiving and Christmas get-togethers. Its just us, our two boys and their wives and nine kids. Only pain in the azz was #1 sons first wife and she's gone to wreck someone else's life.
The twice yearly reunions are what suck. Wife has three brothers who are pretty cool but they all married flakes. The oldest is just plain, talk to her dolls, nuts. The youngest is a hypochondriac who can manage to ruin a meal out with her unreasonable Karenesque culinary requirements.
Middle one is the main pain. Husband is a retired engineer who made good money which she feels obligated to throw at "her" house and stuff. She never had a job, has her high school certificate, and thinks she is the queen. Can't refer to anything by its generic name. Not a car, "My Accord V6". Not a ski boat, " my Mastercraft". She had him build her a mansion on the lake (3/4 mill) then when she burned out her friends, sold it and bought a big place a hundred miles away and is having hubby rehab the whole thing. "Our Amish guy said this was the most expensive small kitchen he's ever done."
I mentioned that we had given all our stimulus checks to the kids and she said, "I gave my kids a good education so they make good money". Thing is, ours make better but it is a waste of time. I go to keep peace and have become pretty good at tuning her out. I did discover that she has developed some issues which suggest dementia so I will try to be nicer and I do feel for her husband.
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃


Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Have a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃



Planning on it.

Thanks, brother !

Originally Posted by SandBilly

You too man.


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