If it is on your bucket list don't wait another year. Grab a younger hunting partner with a 4x4 truck if you don't already have one, scout a little on line and on this forum or others and head to Colorado for an over the counter bull tag. For $600 and the cost of a camping trip to the mountains you can be hunting elk.

Your odds wont be great but you will see what elk hunting is like without a TV remote in your hand and won't die wondering what it would have been like to smell elk in the dark timber with a rifle in your hand or spot a bull at 1000 yards moving across a shale slope.

Once you have the bug it is hard to miss a season. In the age of Google earth and internet research you can get an idea of a couple of areas that look interesting and may do great. Better yet check for areas with leftover cow tags and more than double your odds of grilling up elk loin......just do a little extra homework on caring for that big carcass to maximize your eating enjoyment. Good boots and an old frame pack for meat hauling along with layers for changing weather a map and compass and your deer hunting stuff is really all you need.

It is certainly a habit that is hard to break once you start, at your age you still have years left if you are in good physical condition. If you lungs aren't in good shape a low altitude guided hunt or the TV remote would be a better plan.