Let's see, we're going to get all bent out of shape over an article from an anti-military website called "war is boring" over their supposedly expert analysis of the BFM capabilities of the F-35 vs. the F-16. Isn't that a bit like picking the best cut of steak based upon a review in a vegan magazine?

I've been flying airplanes for a living since 1992, first in the Marine Corps then in the civilian airline world. One thing I've figured out is that the media never gets anything correct about aviation. 99% of all aviation related articles you see in the mainstream media are laughable in the number of inaccuracies they contain. Throw in an article from an anti-military website with an obvious ax to grind and I wouldn't believe it if they told me the pope was catholic.

Here's an example of their expert reporting. Read it and you'll see what their agenda really is. They refer to their website/blog as "social journalism" I think we all know what that means.
