That is my fear as well. We are making the same mistake the Germans made - quality is great but as Stalin noted, quantity has a quality all its own.

We won't be fighting farmers and goat herders forever. Some day we will face a technologically capable and well equipped foe. Perhaps not as "well equipped" one on one as we are, but with the ability to field many times more planes/tanks/ships/whatever than we can and more importantly replace what they lose faster than we can destroy it. In the end that's how we beat the Germans and the Japanese, and particularly how the Russians beat the Germans.

Of course, nuclear weapons add a trump card that was not available in WWII (up until the last few days). That threat tends to keep wars on a smaller local scale and fought by surrogates instead of the big boys going mano a mano.

If it looked like we were going to be seriously overwhelmed and defeated by conventional forces the nukes would start to fly, then we're all dead anyway.

Gunnery, gunnery, gunnery.
Hit the target, all else is twaddle!