Originally Posted by Angussent
Originally Posted by Mackay_Sagebrush
Originally Posted by ringworm
Being stopped by the state trooper for failing to signal a lane change?
In Texas? State troopers have nothing better to do than make traffic stops for not using a turn signal changing lanes?
Forget that she was giving way to his vehicle coming up behind her...
So when he gets to her car she's smoking and he tells her to put it out...inside her own vehicle.
When she protest he pulls out a taser.

Hi Glenn


A standard formula I used for years doing criminal interdiction is this:

A high volume of legal traffic stops. Turn signal violations, equipment violations, speed violations, etc.

Stop and talk to the person. Advise why they were stopped.

If they are members of the innocent motoring public, get them back on the road as fast as possible w/o any tickets, written warnings, nothing. That takes too much time that you could be spending on a high probability stop.

Continue to make legal traffic stops until you find the one that has indicators of possible trafficking or other criminal activity. Then take your time interviewing, then conducting the investigation/drug seizure.

A high volume of legal traffic stops. In fact I had to compile my stats for a class one time, and I discovered I wrote citations approximately 2% of my stops, with 98% verbal warnings.

This high volume of legal stops that you call "bullschit" resulted in over 3 MILLION dollars worth of narcotics seizures in roughly 5 years time.

"BS" traffic stops net a whole hell of a lot of narcotics/stolen weapons/stolen property/felony warrants/ etc, etc and serious criminal activity intercepted. BS traffic stops have resulted in a lot of very bad people getting caught.

Charleston Church shooting suspect and murderer of 9 innocent people Dylann Roof was caught due to a "BS" traffic stop.

Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh (killed 168 people and injured more than 500) was caught due to a "BS" random traffic stop.

Three members of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (Walid Nicolas Kabbani, Georges Fouad Nicolas Younan, and Walid Majib Mourad) were stopped in Vermont on a "BS" traffic stop.

They were smuggling a bomb from Canada to the United States.

Peter William Sutcliffe, a serial killer was caught on a "BS" random traffic stop . Sutcliffe was convicted of murdering 13 women and attempting to murder seven others.

I could go on and on with examples...

What some call BS stops others call proactive police work.

"Pro-active" police work? I'd describe your take as Soviet-style population control measures (or at least the warm up/intro version) brought to you by your local republicrat congresscritters.

All in the name of "law and order". Gotta round up them drugs, you know. The same drugs coming across the southern border that the same "law and order" republicrats keep saying they're going to "shut-down".

Saudi Arabia is planning to build a fence on their Iraq border. I wonder which one will get built first? I'm betting on the Sunnis

The government plans these shootings by targeting kids from kindergarten that the government thinks they can control with drugs until the appropriate time--DerbyDude

Whatever. Tell the oompa loompa's hey for me. [/quote]. LtPPowell