Originally Posted by MadMooner
Would any of the expeirenced LEO's here of handled it in the same manner?

I haven't even watched the video, but I'll bet the answer is NO.

Which makes sense, since I believe the trooper is a rookie. Maybe he'll never make a good cop, maybe he'll grow into one. But you'll never find a good old cop who at one point wasn't a young stupid cop. Just like anything else, there's a learning curve.

The problem is that the learning curve in cop work can get people ridiculed on the Fire, hurt or killed. Some of that is mitigated by personality, or natural ability, and life experience, and even your mood that day. But there's absolutely no substitute for hours in the field.

And sometimes things go wrong, most often with young cops or old cops who are willing to work for crap pay because they suck so bad at their job. So you offer a decent wage to attract decent people, screen them as best you can, teach them everything you know, then let them find their groove. And hope like hell it doesn't go wrong.

Originally Posted by SBTCO
your flippant remarks which you so adeptly sling