Trump is the only person in the GOP field of candidates who has generated enough enthusiasm to win in the general election. Cruz has his fans too. The rest of them are about as exciting as a pan of dishwater.

Trump isn't my ideal candidate. But he's on the right side of a lot of issues.

At best, he's going level the trade deficit playing field and generate some employment for the people,...maybe slow down illegal immigration quite a bit.

At worst, he's not going to be openly hostile to American values like the Democrats are.

I'll tell you what I think.

Trump threw his hat in the ring and started out with some very strong language on the illegal immigration issue. I think he was just seeing if it would play,...and it did.

Then the machine tried to purge him and it only made his popularity go up.

Now that he's seen what has transpired and how popular he has become, he's all in.

He's having a hell of a lot of fun. He's one of those hyper competitive people and stuff like this is what keeps him energized.

I don't think he's a saint. In fact, I suspect that in his business dealings he's probably been a stone cold azzhole at times.

But the Presidency would be the crowning achievement of his life, and I think that he would work his ass off to make it a positive thing both for himself and for America.

This is a huge challenge for him and if the people make him President, he's going to do as much as he is capable of to show them that they picked the right man for the job.

,...and it's probably not for *the people*, necessarily. But it's "win win".

Trump wants to demonstrate that he could be a damn good President just to satisfy his own ego. But to do that he's got to take care of America.

So I'm all for letting him stroke his ego if it means that doing so will benefit America.