Originally Posted by KFWA
I remember people not wanting to vote for Newt Gingrich because of his divorces (I guess him being an ass hat wasn't good enough).

People didn't want to vote for Romney because of Romneycare

So you have to ask yourself what is the appeal of Trump for the people to look past his inconsistency, his personal life, his bankruptcies?

I think people like Rob Jordan can't see the forest for all the trees - they're focusing on one or two aspects of Trump as if he's another politician in the mix

Whether Trump is elected or not isn't going to be based on a particular stance he holds (although admittedly if he wasn't so anti-immigration I'd be luke warm about him) but how he connects to the apathetic voter who sees a Carly Fiorina, Cruz, or Carson as just another stump speech waiting for their shot to get ahead even if they don't fit the mold of a career politician.

There is a certain appeal to a man wanting to be president who doesn't need to be president, who didn't spend the last 20 years of his life selling his soul to be president and who is ready to point out the emperor has no clothes , hell, he enjoys doing it.

I know I'm not going to agree with Trump on issues but I know that whatever decision he makes, its not because he's going to be a puppet of someone who holds his purse strings.

He may end up going off the rails and losing my support - thats part of the wildcard factor he has but my point is right now, Trump is larger than issues on a stump speech.

A combination of politicians who just blatantly lie, take the voting base for granted, and who want big government have created an environment where Trump isn't a novelty, he's the alternative to the status quo.

And its obvious people are fed up with the status quo.

I also ask these questions, as Trump is also a hard-core Neocon.
So am I, but the double standard is unbelievable.
Trump wants to arm the Kurds and turn them loose on ISIS.
When Fiorina says the same thing...she is called a dumb stupid broad.

Leo of the Land of Dyr



“In Trump We Trust.” Right????

SOMEBODY please tell TRH that Netanyahu NEVER said "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."