You don't wash them...
Why would they get nasty?
They wear like dress pants. Hung up when not being worn and hung outside one a month or so.
1. Levi’s CEO Says Don’t Wash Your Jeans
As gross as it may sound, the CEO of Levi Strauss – aka the jean expert of experts – says you shouldn't wash your favorite pair of denim. “We try to educate the consumer…If you talk to real denim aficionados, they’ll tell you don’t wash your blue jeans, just take a sponge or toothbrush,” said Levi’s CEO Chip Bergh at Fortune’s Brainstorm Green conference. “I know it sounds totally disgusting. I know it does, but believe me, it can be done.”

Jeans have been around a long time. Longer than this trend of washing everything worn once.
I don't chit my pants or drop food on my lap and I shower so why would a pair of slacks get nasty.
These are not work pants. Those are my dungarees that remain in the mud room with my boots, hung on a hook.