Different people like different things for different reasons.

I like custom rifles but have found that I can often get more rifle for the money if I buy one built for someone else rather than commissioning one for myself. On the other hand I've got one going that cost as much as my car (I drive inexpensive used cars so that isn't saying a lot but still...) but will hunt and shoot with it until I die and then one of my boys will do the same.

As for value in names I haven't the slightest clue. I don't fault any hunting rifleman for buying/building the very best he can afford, but too often (NOT all the time!!!) those who brag of their rifles' pedigree don't know how to use them any more than an average Joe who buys a Remington 783 270 at Wally World and puts a blister pack Bushnell on top for use once a year when he plays cards and employs whores with his friends.

On the other hand, I know guys who buy those top-tier customs and shoot Em like they were made to be shot. There's an awful lot of those guys here. They know the value of a good build by an A list 'smith and it shows when they post up pics of their kills. I envy those guys not for their well built rifles but their skills passion and ability to get out and kill stuff w/ awesome weaponry. Scenarshooter comes to mind as one but there are many others.

It's all about what you value.