Many years ago, when GT was invented, they sold it to manufacturers with little or no instructions on how to use it. Boot and clothing makers didn't bother sealing the seams and most of their stuff leaked. GT got a real bad rap and about went bankrupt. Then they went on a campaign to get it right. They wouldn't sell the membrane to manufacturers unless they passed rigid tests on how they used it. Quality jumped fast but it took years for GT to get it's name cleared. The membrane is good but if it isn't made right, it will leak.

Back in the 70's, I bought a pair of Vasque boots, one of their 1st with GT. They were a joke. My tennis shoes were drier. That was before Gore made them start following directions.

One mistake I've made: I've removed the insoles on boots to make room for heavier socks. That exposes the GT seam under my feet and it will wear out quicker and start to leak. Those insoles are in there to protect the seams so leave them in.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.