Originally Posted by TomSmith
I don't think that even Trump has the balls to roll out specific spending cuts, the kind that would really matter like cuts to Soc Security, this early in the primary process.

Why would he do that when there are still a dozen others that are fighting for the nomination?

Clearly, the cuts that need to happen to get the debt under control have to come from Soc Sec entitlements. I'm all for real spending cuts and for balanced budgets but if Trump starts down that road, he'll lose every senior in the country. All the others will pile on and pledge to never cut these programs. You'll end up with more of the same.

Not sure if Trump will actually make these cuts when, or if, he gets the chance but its pretty hard to trash the guy because he doesn't show his hand this early in the race.

Trump doesn't strike me as a "we're wasteful spending" as much as he is a "I'm gonna generate revenues to cover all this stuff"

but....at some point I bet he will get serious about cuts - by focusing on how inefficient government currently is

have you paid your dues, can you moan the blues, can you bend them guitar strings