I just can't believe some of you. All indications are for an economy bust like we had in the '80s and you are advising people to move to Alaska? Haven't you read the news about the layoffs of State and oil-industry workers coming up? Also, what the mining industries do when the price of oil comes down is to freeze hiring. All aspects of our economy are affected by these layoffs (don't forget that the larger employers are the State, local governments, and Federal government), then the private sector (oil, mining, fishing, tourism).

What I would advise possible newcomers is to keep on working real hard and amass as much cash as possible wherever you are in the lower-48, and give us about four or five more years before moving up. But if you have lots of money already, watch the Alaska housing and real state markets, and buy when the bubble bursts. That's the time to move in and ride the next boom.

That said, if you are young and strong, don't have a family, everything paid for and have some cash: by all means move up if you like, for you will do fine as long as you stay alive and healthy.

Last edited by Ray; 10/03/15.