Sorry John, I should have specified that these were customer reviews, not professional writers. There are two on the Midway site that claim damage as this is written. I didn't buy the claims, I was only looking for a possible explanation for what these guys reported. I may have seen other user comments someplace, but who can remember the details of everything they see on the www?

Other than some damage to stock finish (my fault), I've got no complaints about Wipe-Out. I am a little puzzled about the very ammonia-like smell from an ammonia-free product.

As best as I can recall, complaints about the e-cleaners were from folks that didn't follow the directions. I can easily see myself forgetting about one of those contraptions and having a whoopsie as a result. Man's got to know his limitations!

EDIT: went back and the only complaints were about Wipe-Out, not Montana Xtreme. A number of similar products get high marks for getting the copper out. Looks like I need to upgrade.

Last edited by Pappy348; 12/03/15.

What fresh Hell is this?