Originally Posted by tndrbstr
Why would you expect anyone one sharing a lease to be obliged to share their personal knowledge with anyone else?
On the same token, why would you feel so inclined to share your personally acquired info with anyone else just because you share the lease with them?

A lease is much like a business. There are some inner circles that you inter act with differently than others for what ever reasons. You just have to learn which ones can be used to your advantage and which ones not to confide in.

For the most part we do share openly. Because we are in the lease together and trying to manage it. We have 2 that shoot anything, but luckily usually not anything that matters.

We often discuss what has to be shot, what should get a pass for X years. Which ones should breed. And so on.

We all show the photos off our game cams.

Only thing that pisses me off, we are allowed 2 bucks.. I often don't shoot a trophy for years. In fact after my buck this last fall I"ll likely never pull the trigger on a trophy again in my life. We NEED to shoot culls the minute we see em. But they are scared they will spook a big buck... never mind I shot a cull 2 years ago on opener. And 5 minutes later, a 24 inch wide 8 point walks out. My buddy loves wide deer so I let the deer walk hoping he would get it. He never saw that deer unfortunately.

But trying to find like minded folks in any large numbers is really hard. Some of the older members of our lease still shoot a deer so they can come home and say I got an 8 point again. They don't want to come home and say I shot 2 spikes this year.... something not good about doing good for the herd.

You need to associate with like minded folks to start with. But for us, family ties get in the way... Personally if I was in charge I would write a lot more rules in the lease.

We can keep Larry Root and all his idiotic blabber and user names on here, but we can't get Ralph back..... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, over....