Originally Posted by Middlefork_Miner
Anybody drink it daily?

I bought some a few days ago because of a post I seen on a different forum in regards to its ability to help with joint pain.

It seems to have made a huge improvement in many more areas than just joint pain, but the joint pain has all but disappeared. cool I was skeptical, because I've tried the low carb thing...glucosamine/chondroitin (sp?) krill oil, fish oil, CO Q10 etc. etc.

Things I've noticed since I started drinking an eight oz. bottle once a day.

My vision seems to have improved.
My blood pressure is a little lower & more stable.
My overall attitude & energy level is up.
Ringing in my ears has subsided substantially.
I'm not waking up in the middle of the night because
of stiffness & pain in the spine & knees.
These are things I've noticed but was not expecting & I really hope this isn't a fluke...

For those of you that drink it daily, is there a good cheap source?

How much do you drink per day?

If you mix it or juice it with other fruits/vegetables, what's your recipe? I like what I'm seeing right now & if a good "Health Drink" concoction will work even better than the results I've had so far, I'm ready to spring for a "juicer" & fixins...it feels pretty damn good to be feeling as well as I do after only three little bottles of cherry juice...

It's the best I've felt in friggin years!!!

I drank it daily for a few years as a gout preventative. I had two attacks of gout in my left big toe joint and it was MISERABLE. As well as damaging to the joint. I stopped about 6 months ago.... no gout yet.

It's expensive. The cheapest I found it was at Fred Meyer, if you have those down there. Look in the health food area. I forget the brand; it was somewhat generic.

The stuff is intense, both in flavor and to my stomach. I mixed it with carbonated water and came to enjoy that concoction very much. Now you are making me want it again.

The CENTER will hold.

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