
I also have a Strike Force. It's hanging on the wall out in the garage. I haven't used it much. I like the longer and heavier Oneida bows. They are very forgiving. The new short, light bows are not. But the Oneidas are nosey. You can see all of those Limb Saver silencers and brush buttons on it. And you are correct about using Fast flight strings on the Oneidas. You better have a stiff spine on your arrows, especially when you shooy a heavy, fixed blade broadhead like I do. I probably ought to try some of the newer folding points, but just haven't because the Snuffers work fine and I am not sure how the folding points will hold up shooting hogs. Maybe some of you fellas know about that and I would be glad to hear what your experience has been.

Gotta go on a long weekend turkey hunt now. I'll catch up with you fellas next week sometime.

Despite what your momma told you, violence does solve problems.