DocRocket: Jack O'Connor was a major influence on my Hunting philosophy and dedication.
I think I have a complete set of Jack O'Connors books, and his novels - something of which I am very proud.
It's been SO long since I shot at a game animal standing/off hand that I actually do not remember ever doing so - if I ever did?
I went through some phases through my 5 1/2 decades of Hunting - starting with shooting game animals from the sitting position with a carefully adjusted military type sling then trying more prone shots again with a carefully adjusted sling and then (and continuing to this day) I now ALWAYS carry my Big Game Hunting Rifles equipped with Harris Swivel Type bi-pods and slings!
I to have worked MANY days at various ranges for "Hunter sight-in days" and spend MANY days each year at public ranges observing other shooters.
I sometimes worry about and feel sorry for the game animals due to a noticeable percentage (20% or maybe more) of shooters/Hunters who just are NOT competent to a level with their Rifles that I think is minimal for humane Hunting.
Sad that.
I do so wish that all "Hunters" would practice shooting more and not succumb to the temptations of today's trend toward "LONG range" shooting at game animals.
I live and Hunt in game rich country with long seasons and the numbers of wounded animals I see and find each year seems to me to be increasing of recent.
Indeed range accuracy is one thing and Hunting accuracy is another - Jack O'Connor was right about that also!
Hold into the wind