Originally Posted by ol_mike
So many people here can't stay on topic --the commercials are nearly ALWAYS a black guy w/a blonde white women .
That's why the question/topic was brought up -it's not a hispanic with a white women or any other combination -it's blk guy/white women the VAST majority of the time.

For three weeks now the woman kelly ? whoever and the blk guy -he's leaving -what's going to happen to the show? she doesn't want to go on !they've talked ,she might lose the time slot [pics of them together] -ok she's going to try and make it w/out him.

It's brainwashing and yes it works .
We all know that the dumbing down of our youth is going on -this is a big part of it --mix the least successful race with the most successful race and what do you get ? NOT MUCH .
All engineered by the bolshevik media machine !
Careful. That hits a bit too close to the bulls-eye.