I believe it. Too many people can live with poor choices because the safety net is there to ensure that they will eat, have a place to live, own a cell phone and get medical attention.

50% of kids today are born with no father in the home. I wonder why?

It doesn't suck to be poor anymore. It should. That way people would make better choices.

People like me and many other people who supported Cruz, have to understand that even in the GOP, "EBT Accepted Here" is not an unwelcome sign by all within the party. The idea of dissolving social security for younger people is history. My dream of a dramatically smaller govt for the purpose of enhancing liberty probably will not happen in my lifetime. Unless there is a total collapse. Which is bad for all.

I have saved a lot for my entire adult lifetime. I believe that if you count on anybody else or govt for your liberty or prosperity, you are destined for failure. But now, I feel that there is a small target on my back for my sacrices and efforts.

Both parties have abandoned a smaller and limited govt. That concept scares too many people because the security of entitlements is something too good to give up. Even with the deficit near equalling the GDP. People rather to ignore it. Or tax successful people more.

We are almost at, "Every man for himself". It is a damn shame. There is so much that could have been accomplished.

If Trump announces reducing entitlements, he will lose. He knows that, which is why he hasn't touched it. Most people vote for a living now.

A damn shame. The Great Society is proving to be the worst thing that ever happened to America.


"...aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one." - Paul to the church in Thessalonica.