What is the secret to better off-hand shooting?

Yes practice of course but trigger control, knowing when to break the trigger as it crosses your target. You are going to move so your job is to dictate the movement rather than chase it.

Practice calling your shot.

For me it was years of shooting Cross Course High Power which was a wonderful teacher.

Honestly for me shooting a moving target off-hand is easier than shooting a stationary target off-hand.

Practice at the range, practice in the field are all good.

I just got back from Romania hunting Roe deer and took three nice animals. The first was off hand at about 80-90 yards at a steep uphill angle while sucking wind trying to keep up with my young ranger. I was able to bring the cross hairs down across his vitals and break trigger just right for a good behind the shoulder double lung shot. The 2nd was a fast 50 yard shot at a spooked Roe quartering strongly away.(a bit if skeet shooting helped there)As I broke the trigger as I swung through vitals.
The 3rd was a kneeling shot at about 50 yards at low light with a full frontal neck shot.

The only shot I was able to use a rest was the kneeling shot but the point is conditions dictate my shot. I will always opt for a rested shot anytime if available and if not I have to feel good about it. That comes from practice.

Last edited by southwind; 06/09/16.