garCH, I'm hardly an expert, but have been 3 times. These would by my personal recs, so take it FWIW:

1. I you're unsure about booking tickets, use Steve Turner @ Travel With Guns. They will do your flights, gun permits, etc.

2. If you're comfy with doing it yourself and have to spend a night in J'burg upon arrival, I cannot recommend Africa Sky Guest House enough, and they can handle your gun permits as well.

3. If you only need rifle permit service, I hear great things about

4. Use the same clothes you hunt with here in the US. I wear Carhartt stuff, leather boots, and it all works just as well over there as it does here.

5. Take hard candy for PH's and trackers. They love the stuff.

6. I rely on the outfitter to give advice on amount of tip to give. I do like tipping on the high side though because those people work their butts off for you. Mine has been in the $600 range the last two times.

Savor every moment. Africa is a special place.

It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.