I have had mixed emotions about the RMEF for a number of years, due to the way I was personally treated through letters etc.

They do some good stuff and I will not argue that point. The problem is that I watch the RMEF program on tv where they have some dignitary hunting for big bulls on land that the average guy will never be able to afford to have access to and go on to tout their great achievements.

It seems to me that they would be a lot more credible, if they took these people on hunts on public land where their purported great accomplishments should be more obvious.

It was made perfectly clear years ago that they have no use for you unless you are a major donor. My concerns did not even rate a return letter.

Am I the only one that sees this, or is this the standard that members just have to accept now? I doubt that I will join again unless they offer me a free gift that makes it worth it.

Just my opinion.

You did not "seen" anything, you "saw" it.
A "creek" has water in it, a "crick" is what you get in your neck.
Liberals with guns are nothing but hypocrites.