Originally Posted by VarmintGuy
Sbhooper: I quit supporting the rmef when they became the rmWf!
When the greens that run that outfit financially supported the transplantation of Canadian Wolves into the heart of our hard fought for Elk herds I told them to go phhucckk themselves, in writing and in person!
Thanks for NOTHING rmWf!
Hold into the wind

Elk Foundation has a tough task trying to stay in their lane.
I follow Bugle as close as my short attention span will allow. I noticed that for years they had a very narrow focus on funding for elk habitat and did not ever mention the two white elephants in the room - wolves and cwd. I've never seen anything supporting wolves and in fact the absence of any position whatsoever began to seem strange to me.
The past few years I've noticed RMEF taking a stand to protect elk from wolves and the most recent issue has an article on cwd.
They can't stray too far from their charter and go off on a lot of peripheral tangents but I think they have achieved a good balance.