Did you know that unlike other "professions" such as engineers lawyers, doctors, nurses, vets, truck drivers, merchant mariners, dentists, exterminators, etc., there is no exam, certification or licensure requirement to call yourself an economist? Or that somewhere around half of the "economists" in the US work for the government, and most of those positions only require a degree that included or was supplemented by 21 semester hours in economics and three hours in statistics, accounting, or calculus? And have you noticed the US "economy" is in shambles?

Considering the above, no - I'm not surprised at all that 55% of them think Hillary would do the best job of managing the economy, considering they are first and foremost interested in promoting their paycheck and sense of importance, and Hillary offers them the best chance of keeping that gravy train rolling.

It reminds me of another taxpayer funded self-licking ice cream cone - the grievance (diversity) industry.