Not having to be certified explains how there's so many economists posting on this thread.

Please understand I do not post these for Trumpkins. Trump could order a death raid on their cousin and they'd figure out a way that said cousin probably deserved it, and after all it was necessary to defeat Hillary. Wasn't it?

Democrats are well documented to have been good for the economy in the near term. They can be disastrous in the long term (see the Great Recession as caused by government mandated sub-prime mortgages), but presidencies don't last that long. So, Clinton is easily identifiable as likely good for the economy.

Fiscal conservatives tend to be good at stabilizing the economy after liberals wreck it. Enter Gary Johnson.

How about Trump? If you want to know about how he is bad for an economy, ask all those people he gave the shaft in Atlantic City.

Living in a world of G17s and 700s, wishing for P7s and 202s