Look, it's pretty simple.

Trumpers are Trumpers, Klintonistas are Klintonistas.
It's all about the undecideds now. (Let's just leave the Sanders fans out for the time being, but basically they're a problem for Clinton, a huuuuge problem.)Most all people's opinions of Illary and Trump have been based on what a whoribly biased media has been willing to show them. Tonight will be the first time many voters see these two in unprotected waters. Moderaters can skew, but Trump has shown a willingness and exceptional ability to punch right back, and tonite will be no different People seem to respond well to that. Again, who gives a chit what peddlers/liberals think, this is about the undecideds. Trump could go barking mad, howl at the moon and piss on both podiums tonight and start yelling "GFY!"But it's more likely he's going to be calm, professional, and act like an Executive, which he's been for quite a long time. You can bet he has been coached by the best that money can buy for several weeks. So has Illary, however she has never been believable and even her supporters admit she lies but justify it by saying all politicians lie. That won't work with the undecideds. It's Trumps chance to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory or not. Hope she strokes out.

Tolerance is the virtue of a man without convictions

A positive attitude will not solve all your problems,
but it will annoy enough people to make it a worthwhile effort.