Originally Posted by GunReader

Ha! The first time I showed up to vote after buying my first house in a quiet little corner of Joliet's south side ghetto I asked for a Republican primary ballot and they said they didn't have any! Then they decided there were probably some in the trunk from the Election Commission but they never need one so they hadn't gotten any out yet.

Worked in a Lumber yard one Summer across the tracks. A mile from work was a little BBQ joint I thought would be good for lunch, Mister-T's, that should have told me everything I needed to know right there. I knew when I opened the door I might have made a mistake. It was the reverse of 48Hrs when Eddie Murphy walked into that Redneck Bar. But what can you do at that point, back out thru the door.? So with a deep breath, I ordered and got my food. Everything was cool, but I was a stranger in a strange land...