Originally Posted by seal_billy
I haven't been around much as of late. Been camping and fishing on the creek property for the last month. The Holston River has been good to me for the last 2 months except for a prop that was completely destroyed and a mean azz case of poison ivy/oak. I have had it on the back of my thighs and between my fingers for 4 weeks. I have bathed in clorox, Aveno oatmeal powder and Epsom salt, taken prednisone, basted myself with Ivy dry, calamine, caladryle, ivearest, hydrocortisone, and steroid cream. I first had it on my feet and ankles and it dried up but the patch on my legs, between my fingers, on my arms and a patch on my stomach won't give up. I wash in poison ivy soap after I have been out and I still end up with a new patch every week. The smallmouth fishing has been awesome so it's been worth it but damn if it isn't torture when you get to digging at it.

I put out some limb lines and run them at night and caught a bunch of cats between 5 and 10 pounds, flat heads and channels. I hadn't put out limb lines since I was in high school. The Grass has been worse this year than I have seen it in 20 years up there. The last 6 weeks have been so bad the only thing you can fish is a grass frog or horns toad or punch the grass mats with a heavy Texas rig.

Back to the prop, I'm always prepared, prepared to bum a pair of pliers from a farmer to straitened the prop out. I'm also always prepared, prepared to fish sleeveless all day because I forgot to replace the tp in my boat. Holy hell I have been having a blast. Can't get pics to post. If you want pics go to bushcraftusa.com and look at creekside homestead under the preparedness/homestead forum. Come and see me, we will camp, fish, eat and drink.

Sounds like you are having a hell of a good time. Well, except for the poison ivy/oak part. I've had that stuff and it sucks!!!!! I still have scars from the chit and the hair on one leg doesn't look like it's growing back any time soon. I feel for anyone that gets that crap. Took a couple months for that to go away too, and caladryl and calamine lotion every day. Yuk!!!

Originally Posted by raybass
I try to stick with the basics, they do so well. Nothing fancy mind you, just plain jane will get it done with style.
Originally Posted by Pharmseller
You want to see an animal drop right now? Shoot him in the ear hole.