Last night the wind was blowing about 20 mph and I didn't see schit. But I managed to drop my crossbow out of the tree stand. Luckily it fell straight down and landed on the foot stirrup. Bent it in pretty bad. This morning I had a hell of a time trying to cock it. I couldn't get my foot in it.

This morning was a different story. 34 degrees and no wind. 1/4 mile before I got to the gate, I had a doe and a 10 point in a stand off next to the road. I stopped the truck and they ran off. An hour later, they showed up in the field next to me. The 10 pt. and 8 does chasing. The bucks are just now are starting to push.

When I got to work this morning, I took the crossbow apart and fixed it. Gonna shoot a couple of arrows this afternoon to make sure it's still on before I go back out.

Good luck to y'all.

"Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem."
Ronald Reagan